Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Our little Thickburger

Is 13 pounds at 2 months old--that's a 1.5 pounds heavier than her sister at the same age. She sure is a cutie patootie. I guess now we have a padunkadunk and a padinkadink :)

Over the river and through the woods

To grandmothers house we go!! Our first road trip since Isley was born and we're going to Asheville for Thanksgiving-yay!! We will try to fit all but the kitchen sink in the Element, plus Bear--it will probably be a National Lampoon's event, but it will be fun nonetheless :)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

How scary is that!?!?

Go McCain/Palin!!

It's been a while

And have I been busy trying to keep my littlest alive. Lily loves her little so much, she just wants to squeeze her to death--I guess gentleness will come in time??? :)

Life with 2 babes is awesome. Isley is so sweet--she smiles all the time and Lily is such a great, helpful big sister. It's been a little hectic, but we're starting to get in the swing of things. Let's try for a third........ha, ha, ha--yea, right!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ok let's go!

Tomorrow is our due date. I thought 2nd babies came quicker than 1st babies?!?! Lily was born on her due date-went into labor the day before. Isley is due tomorrow and I feel great, so I don't think labor is approaching anytime soon.
Oh well--at least this gives Lily more time being the only child, huh? :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Top 10 part 8

Things that pregnant women get tired of hearing or that you shouldn't say to a pregnant women-in no particular order-

10) You're not as big as the last time--yea, this doesn't make me feel any better.
9) You shouldn't be so grumpy (or anything to this affect)--you can tell me that when you're not leaking from every place you could think of and can breathe ok and get around independantly.
8) You sure you're not having twins or you sure aren't that big--either way makes us think something is wrong with us.
7) Calm down, it's just your hormones--no, you pissed me off and I can express that just like you can-pregnancy has nothing to do with it.
6) You must be hot being pregnant in the summertime--this just gets old. It's hot-everyone is hot in the summertime-being pregnant just elevates your temperature a little.
5) Any response other than Congratulations when we tell people we are pregnant is not needed.
4) Are you sad your first won't remember being the only child?-why would I want to think about that first of all, and secondly, the second child will never know either, so what's the difference??
3) Are you sure you don't want to try for a boy?--when I say we're done after this one, I'm not trying to get a response out of you.
2) Are you going to breastfeed?--is that any of a strangers business?
1) If you're a creepy old man, please don't rub my belly. Thanks :)

The final stages of pregnancy

We are due in 18 days and I could not be more ready. I miss being able to see my feet; I miss getting up and down independantly; I miss not sweating from just walking across the room; I miss breathing normal; I miss sexy time with my wonderful husband; I miss being able to shave independantly; I miss not leaking from everywhere you could imagine; I miss my clothes; I miss walking normal; I miss running around with my toddler; I miss regular panties; I miss brushing my teeth and my gums not bleeding; I miss painting my toenails; I miss Starbucks :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yep, it's official--

Lily's a big girl. We moved her into her "big girl" room last week and she loves it :) She sleeps in her "big girl bed" so well and stays there until we get her in the morning.
She's grown :(

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Wedding Crashers

Hubby and I went to a wedding last night--some friends of ours that the groom was actually in our wedding. We had so much fun watching people--you know, the girl that can dance, so she does to every song just to prove it and then the girl who does it too just b/c the girl that can dance is--and then grandma and grandpa getting their grove on. Oh, and then there's sitting at a table with strangers--awkward silences and then a pair that knows one another talks about the same person and their MySpace page--good times. We really enjoyed ourselves--they are great people with wonderful families--we had a wonderful time :)
Hey-we got to see just how one does the "Superman"--hmmmmmmmm, always wondered.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

My little groupie

All weekend, Lily was right under my feet--following me wherever I went and wanted to do everything I did. She's so cute.
I have a groupie :)

Monday, July 14, 2008

He must love us

He actually came back from the beach. He came back from rest, relaxation, golf, adult beverages, the ocean and a football for what? A daughter that wouldn't pay him any attention when he got home, a dog that is a nuisance and a big, fat, pregnant wife that is completely unattactive at the moment--bless his heart, Eddie must really love us :)

Friday, July 11, 2008

It's Ladies Weekend

The husband is off to the beach with a buddy for golf and relaxation (I wonder when I'll get a weekend like that minus the golf-hmmmmmm???) It will be just me and Lily all weekend. Pool, naps and maybe the park-oh my!! :)
Have fun Daddy!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Squash and Zucchini-Oh My!!

I feel like Bubba Gump-but with Squash and Zucchini. We are overloaded with it--squash casserole, zucchini bread, fried squash/zucchini, grilled squash/zucchini, sauteed squash/zucchini-I mean, how many ways can you cook it and how long can one possibly eat it?

Beach babe

We took our 19 month old daughter to the beach for a long weekend last weekend. She ended up having a blast, but it took a little time. When we first showed her the ocean, she kind of smiled but didn't want to be put down. When you got her in the ocean, she wasn't having it--we ended up setting up the pool. The last day we were there, we went back to the ocean and she LOVED it. She swam like an alligator in the little pools the ocean makes and was trying to put her head in it--she was so cute and happy. Now she has a little tan with her blond hair and blue eyes--daddy, get your gun cleaned :)

Monday, June 23, 2008

Redemption Song

Not only has the husband painted and finished our daughters' bathroom, he also fixed the toilet in the downstairs bathroom that's been out of commission for 2 months--woo hoo!!! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it-I'm about to loose control and I think I like it.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Top 10 part 7

Wow have my preggo cravings changed. Top 10 of what I'm craving now:

10) Popcorn shrimp and hushpuppies
9) Chili dogs
8) Cheeseburger with chili and slaw-I've never had this in my life but it looks good
7) Still craving mother in laws macoroni salad.
6) Mother in laws spanish steak, mac n cheese and slaw
5) Watermelon-at least there's one bit of healthy on this list.
4) My Nana's potato salad and chicken salad-not really sure when I'll get these since she lives 2.5 hours away.
3) Tomato sandwich-I really wish my tomatoes would grow and turn red.
2) Ketchup-preferably on #9 and #8
1) Bloody Mary

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Labor of Love

I love my husband.

I decided that it's time to get going on painting our upstairs. We went and bought paint for our daughters' bathroom Sunday and we decided that we would both tackle this job throughout this week. Well, I got home yesterday and the first coat was already on it. He said that he got to doing it and it was pretty fumey, so he just decided to finish it since I was pregnant and didn't need to be around the fumes--what a sweetie pie :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Welcome to Adulthood

My wonderful husband just bought his first car on his own, using his own credit and without my help at all. He got a great deal and what he wanted on it and he's saving our family money. I'm so proud of him.

Now if I can only get him to fix our toilet.....hmmmmmmmmmmm.....

Jesus Loves Me

and I don't have to forward that email to prove it, so quit sending them to me.

I really despise getting those emails.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Xnay on the Mr. Fixitnay

I thought I married Mr. Fix it--who I married was Mr. Procrastinator and Mr. Let's beat around the bush. Do I need to call a Plummer?? It's been a month and a half since my downstairs toilet has been leaking and about 2 weeks since it's out of commission. Do I need the exercise of going upstairs to pee? Yes. Do I want to? No--I'm pregnant and it wares me out.
Men (there was a big sigh there in case you couldn't hear it)

Monday, June 9, 2008

Top Ten part 6

Due to having constant heartburn for the past 3 days, I thought I'd compile a list of not so wonderful things about being pregnant--here we go:

10) Heartburn
9) Having to wear the same thing over and over
8) Waking up 4 times a night to pee
7) Waking up 4 times a night to get comfortable
6) Waking up 4 times a night b/c of heartburn
5) Not being able to get out of a chair without help
4) Not being able to use any stall except the handicap stall in the bathroom
3) Unnusually horrible smelling gas--sorry Eddie :)
2) Unnusually horrible moodswings--sorry Eddie :)
1) Heartburn

My little trooper

We took Lily hiking for the first time this past weekend. We went to Graveyard Fields off of the parkway in Asheville. It's about a 1/2 mile hike to where we set up shop along the creek and she wanted to do it herself--and hike the way back up herself. She didn't pitch a fit at all and pretty much kept up--she's a trooper--a SUPER trooper :)


I feel like a pirate b/c I've sighed this phrase all day. Car salesmen kill me.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mr. Fix-it

Back off ladies, he's taken and I married him.

The water hose on our fridge broke and our toilet is leaking. My Mr. Fix-it hubby fixed it himself. Granted, it took him about a month, but at least they're fixed and we didn't have to call an outside fix-it-upper.....at least not yet :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

How do I tell you I love you?

Especially when you're 18 months old?? I was changing Lily this morning and she stood up and looked at me, gave me a big smile, hugged me really hard and then gave me a big kiss and smiled and hugged me again.
Yea, she loves me :) She's cool.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Top Ten part Cinco

In honor of summer, I thought I'd compile a list of my favorite things to do in the summertime-in no particular order.

10) Sit outside with Eddie and talk or just listen to music and hang out outside.
9) Cookout-especially big cookouts with good friends and/or family.
8) Go to the beach.
7) Camping-although I haven't done this in a couple of years, I love it and miss it.
6) Summer foods-smores, watermelon, corn on the cob :)
5) Going to the pool-I love the feeling of coming in an A/C house after the pool.
4) Road trips to anywhere--however, with the price of gas, this will probably dwindle.
3) Eating at restaurants on the patio
2) Outdoor festivals-Bele Chere in Asheville-hopefully we'll make it back one of these days.
1) Fireflies and crickets--ahhhh, the sights and sounds of summer :)

Mary, Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

I am so excited about my garden. This is my first garden, and thanks to my lovely husband, I have a nice, big one. We have tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, watermelon, green pepper, red pepper, banana pepper, jalapeno pepper, cayenne pepper, pimento pepper, celery, okra, green onions, chives, parsley, cilantro and basil. He built it, I planted it, my daughter and I water it :) It's growing so well and I have tons of green little tomatoes growing--I just hope they all don't turn red and are ready at once....if so, I guess Eddie will have to learn to like tomatoes :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Movie Review Monday

So, I went to see 2 movies this weekend-Iron Man and Sex and The City. I was pleasantly surprised at how well I enjoyed Iron Man. I was not looking forward to seeing this whatsoever, but my husband really wanted to see it on the big screen. Needless to say, we made a date of it and I'm glad I went. Robert Downey Jr. is a very likable character-very funny and I'm glad to see him back.

Sex and The City was AWESOME!! It was so good to see my girls back in action :) The characters were wonderful and the ending was perfect!! I cried and laughed and cried and laughed--it is definitely one to own! :)

Friday, May 30, 2008

The things I do for love

Eddie is dying to see Ironman on the big screen. Me, being the most awesome wife that I am, have decided to delight his ego and go with him tonight. I know---I'm a sucker. We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kids are too cool

Eddie calls me today at work to say, "Hey, Lily has something she wants to tell you", he puts Lily on the phone and she says, "Hell-o"--it was so cute--broken up into 2 distinct syllables, and he said her little toungue stuck out as she said it--she's cute :)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Top 10 Part Foe

This is a little mushy and sappy, but I've been with the greatest man in the world for 7 years and here are my top 10 reasons I still love him (in no particular order):

10.) He doesn't judge me.
9.) He loves me even though I'm a complete dork-he's one himself :)
8.) He's a terrific father.
7.) I love his lips--except when he's being hard to get along with :)
6.) He gives great hugs.
5.) We have so much fun together and enjoy the same things-food, interests, music, movies, etc.
4.) He makes me laugh.
3.) He has beautiful eyes.
2.) He's thoughtful-most of the time :)
1.) He's smart-he knows stuff.

Bodily noises

One of my co-workers is a heavy breather. She is constantly falling asleep and snoring/snorting out loud. It drives me crazy!! Get some sleep already!

P.S. I love You

My wonderful husband and I watched this movie last night. I knew it was going to be sad, but my goodness--my heart hurt so bad after watching it. I cried throughout the whole thing. I was trying to be strong, b/c I was a little embarrassed about it, but the husband gave me a hug afterwards and I just wanted to boo hoo loudly. It's definitely a good watch if you're in need of a good cry :(

Thursday, May 15, 2008


I have heard many horror stories about in-laws. I have to say that my darling husband and I are both blessed with wonderful in-laws. My MIL has bought a car seat for my little pumpkin and is picking her up tomorrow for her to spend the night. She also has bought everything my little girl needs for a comfortable stay--how sweet is that! Now, my wonderful husband and I can have a nice night together and sleep in the next morning--we are so blessed :)

Friday, May 9, 2008


I read somewhere where a man shot his neighbors cat with a bow and arrow-thinking it was a raccoon. The cats owner is taking the man to court and it is being discussed if hunting were illegal, would this have ever happened. I am all for hunting for "crowd control" and 110% for it if you eat what you kill--who eats raccoons???

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Top Ten part 3

In honor of being pregnant-or preggo as some would say-here is my top 10 most tastiest Pregnant foods--in no particular order:

10) Onion rings with ketchup
9) Mac n Cheese with ketchup
8) Chocolate pudding by the box-when I ask my husband if he wants any, I'm just being nice. I really want it all to myself :)
7) Anything Mexican-bring it.
6) My mother in laws macoroni salad-the woman is good!
5) My mother in laws hot dogs with slaw-refer to #6.
4) Egg salad sandwiches from the cafeteria where I work-not sure what brought this on, but one day I had to have one and now I think about it constantly and I'm not even one for egg salad.
3) Anything sweet-I guess that goes along with having a girl.
2) Tomatoes-any way on any thing.
1) #19 with no onions and add banana peppers on the side from Substation II-it's the bomb diggety doo wop!

Friday, April 25, 2008

We're having...

Another baby girl!!! My wonderful babys' daddy and I went to have our ultrasound this morning, and low and behold, Lily is going to have a baby sister :)

**Thank you Lord for blessing me with 2 wonderful daughters. All I ask is that they grow up healthy and happy and Eddie and I can guide them in the right directions :) I also pray that Eddie doesn't pull out his guns on any boyfriends--yikes!! :)

Her little name will be Isley Ruth--Isley is pronounced Eyeslee--and we expect her around 9/20/08.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Top 10 part Deaux

My top 10 Pet Peeves (in no particular order):

1) Constant Negativity-you only live once, be happy!!!
2) Talking with your mouth full of food-this is just rude.
3) Smacking gum-this is just annoying.
4) Not saying thank you when I hold the door for you-see #2.
5) Not responding when asked how your day is-see #2 and #4.
6) Giving parental advise when you're a stranger-I know how to parent my child and am aware that she is under the clothes rack, thank you!
7) Horrible grammer-a person does not "be" doing something, they "are" doing something or "have done" it or "are going to do" it.
8) People who lie and manipulate the system to get stuff for "free"-I'm paying for you and your multiple kids and you suck and don't appreciate it.
9) People who blow their horn at you the second the light changes to green-get a grip!
10) Eating in the same room as me and not offering me anything--I'm pregnant, I probably won't take any unless it's greasy b/c that's what I'm craving, but that's just rude! :)

Top 10 Part 1

I'm a list lover--a lover of lists if you will. This is my first installment, entitled:

Top 10 places to visit/see before I die:

10) Italy-I would like to eat my way through it.
9) Cape Cod-remember the show "Wings"? Need I say more.
8) Maine-I would love to drive the coast and eat Lobster.
7) San Fransisco and Napa Valley-I think that is self explanatory.
6) Hawaii-I'd love to watch whales and take a helicopter ride through the waterfalls.
5) Seattle-It really doesn't rain as much as people think. It's a common misconception.
4) NY City-Restaurants, shopping, tourist attractions and night life.
3) Spain-$2 calamari
2) Greece-self explanatory
1) The UK-Scotland, Ireland, England. The Hubby and I plan on this our 10th anniversary.

I just have to say

Life with my husband is never a dull moment. Check out his blog.

****WARNING**** Water may shoot out of your nose at really high speeds.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

At 17 months old

My daughter is amazing. Her favorite thing to say is "thank you". Along with that, she says, mama, dada, mamaw, papaw, nana, papa, bear, bye bye, hey, apple, purple, blue, moo, woof woof, poo poo, ball, juice, balloon, baby, uh oh, dog, kitty, meow, tickle, blanket, no, eye, nose, moon, and milk. That's just things that we can understand--she babbles all the time. Everyday is something new and it just gets better and better.

Plus, she's the best dancer in the house.

In Lieu of Earth Day

My green thumb and my taste buds are itching for me to get my veggie garden planted. Will it stop raining, just for a second, so my husband can finish my raised bed--please, oh please? We plan on planting tomatoes, peppers (red, green, banana and jalepeno), green onions, cucumbers, squash, zucchini, herbs and maybe okra and a melon or two. I can't wait to taste the fruits-and veggies-of our labor! :)